Prophesy  of  the Final  Judgment

     The prophecy of the final judgment is spoken about in many places in the Old
Testament.  In the New Testament Jesus uses parables to tell us that there will be a day of
reckoning or judgment that will come to all mankind.  Then as we come to Revelation and
the Great White Throne Judgment, as is spoken about in Revelation 20, we realize that --
all of mankind throughout all of history will be at that Great White Throne Judgment and
judgment will be pronounced upon all mankind.  Every person will be judged individually
according to what is written in the books.  

Those who are part of the family of God, having called upon the name of the Lord, will be
judged according to the book of life.  Their names having been written in the book of life,
by Jesus Christ, exempts them from the judgment of condemnation.  

All whose names are not written in the book of life will be judged guilty according to their
sins which they have committed as written in the books.  Their guilt will be declared and
their judgment carried out as they are cast into the lake of fire.  

This is certainly a most drastic of events that effects every human being who has ever
lived on planet earth.  As such, it is reasonable to conclude that God would not only warn
of such an event, but would indeed give details as to that judgment at the Great White

An analysis of Biblical prophecy:

"The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your
brethren.  Him you shall hear."  
Deuteronomy 18: 15.

In the context of the above verse Moses has come near to the end.  He is writing a
summary / conclusion to the five books of the law and is giving instructions for that time
when he will no longer be there as their leader.  The people are told some of the things
which they will experience and what they shall do as they enter the Promised Land.  

5 points from Deut. 18: 1 - 22:

** The tribe of Levi shall be priests for the nation, without inheritance -- to be provided for
as priests.

** They "shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations", which they

** "The Lord your God will raise up" / call a prophet and they shall listen to him or be held

** The prophet will be held accountable -- the prophecy must prove to be from God --
totally true.  

** When a prophet "speaks in the name of the Lord" and the "thing does not happen or
come to pass" -- "that prophet shall die".  

"Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they
sprang forth I tell you of them."  
Isaiah 42: 9.  

In the context of this scripture is; the prophecy of the coming Messiah Jesus Christ, whom
God calls "My Servant", "My Elect One in whom My soul delights" and, "I have put My
Spirit upon Him."  (42: 1).  Then in the following verses we are given a short explanation of
the character of and the things that Jesus Christ will do while on earth.

In verse 9, following that prophecy in verses 1 - 8, we are given a short, concise, and
revealing insight into prophecy.  In this explanation of prophecy, we are given three
insights / understanding of prophecy.  (As I see it).

** In the first phrase it says that former prophecies were given and they came to pass.  
(Proof of the truth of the prophecy).

** In the second phrase we are told that the Lord will declare new prophecies in the

** In the third phrase the Lord promises to tell us -- prophesy of important events to come.

Isaiah gives us numerous prophecies / insights into the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.  
Then in the context and somewhat in a conclusion to these prophecies, he tells us that
there are other important prophecies to come.  Considering the importance of the coming
of Jesus Christ, I believe that we can conclude that he is referring to other prophecies
and events of great importance to mankind, yet to come.  

Also – in Amos is an explanation that assures coming prophesy.  

“Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His

servants the prophets”. Amos 3: 7  

And also:

"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."  Revelation 19: 10b.  

Definitions of this scripture:

"Testimony of Jesus" --- what Jesus knows, and experienced --- declared.  

“Spirit of prophecy" --- The heart, the root, the whole, the source of prophecy.   

Therefore, Revelation 19: 10b declares that:  

** Jesus Christ Speaks / declares all prophecy.

** Outside of the declaration / testimony of Jesus Christ -- there is no prophecy.  

Prophecy ---- the telling of future things / events is not a physical phenomenon, but is from
the spiritual realm.  

True prophecy comes only from Jesus Christ and will be fulfilled -- 100% true.

Prophecy -- so called -- that comes from other spiritual sources will not be proven to be
100% true.  

Every person who speaks and declares it to be prophecy must bear the proof that those
words are completely true and that the source is Jesus Christ.

**!! The above discussion of prophecy, gives a proof text / explanation for the discussion
below, of the prophecy of Revelation.  

Above; it says that;

God will call persons to give His prophecy of future events to mankind.

God will declare prophecy of coming important events that He will perform / carry out.

All prophecy comes from Jesus Christ and will prove completely true.

The context of the Great White Throne judgment:   

** All mankind has been physically dead for over a thousand years.

** The devil, the beast, and the false prophet have been cast into the lake of fire.  

** Physical earth and heaven has fled away.     

** All of mankind has received their resurrected bodies.  

** The books that detail the spiritual lives of every person are opened.

At the Great White Throne judgment will be every human being who has ever lived, with
the exception of those who comprise / part of the beast and the false prophet, who were
"cast alive into the lake of fire" -- in Revelation 19: 20.

Therefore -- -- the Great White Throne judgment is the final event / the conclusion of all
mankind / God's creation.  The eternal destiny of all of mankind is determined at this time.  
Because of the importance of this event in the lives of every human being we can be
assured that God has given us prophecy explaining this final event.  That prophecy is best
understood in the book of Revelation as Jesus opens the seven sealed message.  

The prophecy of the final event / The Great White Throne judgment:  

The seven sealed message from the right hand of God as He sits upon the throne is
central / primary to the message of Revelation.  Please recognize that mankind's spiritual
Father / God is giving to every human being a message.  The message is given from His
right hand, and only Jesus Christ can open that message.  Jesus Christ instructs John to
send the message to seven churches -- meaning the complete church.  Then the church
has the task of getting the message to the rest of the world.  In the final analysis, the
message of the Gospel -- of which this prophecy is part -- must go to every nation,
language and tribe and then (after that) the end will come.    (Matthew 24: 14) 

Please note -- -- the seven sealed message, from the right hand of God, given to Jesus
Christ is the entire message of the book of Revelation.  

The seven seals:  

Seals 1 -- 5 are a unit / block of Scripture.  They describe / are the guidelines / conditions
of life / realities that God has created into His creation -- they are the facts of life on Earth
as God created it.  Mankind will be judged by God, according to how they lived / their 
works in regard to the message of seals 1 -- 5. (Revelation 20: 13b).   (The 'books' are the

proof of mankind's sins -- the 'Book of Life' is the proof of those who repented to

Jesus Christ).  Thus the message of 'Seals' 1- 5 is prophesy of the coming

Great White Throne judgment.   

Seal # 6 gives a two-part message / prophecy.  The first part is a visionary picture of
mankind, who has rejected Jesus Christ / rebelled against their creator and are being
destroyed at the very end of time.  The second part is an explanation of those who are the
family of God.  They are two groups -- the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel and a great
multitude from every nation, language and tribe of the earth, as explained in Revelation
Chapter 7.  The message of the sixth seal gives to mankind the understanding -- that while
those who have rejected God's plan for mankind are being destroyed -- those who have
believed / obeyed the Lord are in heaven with their Creator.  Thus, the message of the 6th
'Seal', in visionary form, shows mankind divided into two groups -- with the family of God in
heaven -- as those who rejected God's plan being destroyed on earth.  

Seal # 7 is prophecy that explains the time / circumstances that start the clock of the last
seven years of planet Earth (REv.8: 1- 6) and the tribulation through which God brings an end to His
creation.  The message explains the destruction of the trumpets -- plus explanations -- the
rapture -- then seven bowls of God's wrath with explanations of judgment -- Armageddon
-- the millennial -- the great white throne judgment and the description of heaven.  Thus
the message of the 7th 'Seal' is Revelation chapters 8 - 22.  

* Remember -- The 7 sealed scroll from the right hand of God is the WHOLE message.   

Prophecy of judgment in the Seals 1 -- 5:

Please note -- -- in seals one through four, the horses represent a courier delivering the
message -- the riders represent mankind as the message of prophecy is given to

Please note -- -- the message of the seals 1 - 5 is understood to be prophecy of coming
judgment.  That is substantiated by the judgments declared against the woman who sits on
the scarlet beast in Revelation chapters 17 and 18.  Thus, in the following explanations --
we give the explanation of the Seal, followed by its comparison to the judgment of the
woman / the great prostitute / Babylon the great.  Whereas chapter 17 and 18 give the
complete description of the judgments against the woman, in Chapter 18 is a few verses
that put in order and explain simply those judgments.

Seal # 1:

The rider on the white horse has a bow, is given a crown and rides as a conqueror.  This is
a three-part message and the bow and the conqueror has meaning in the picture, but the
crown is the central point in regard to judgment.  The fact that the rider is given a crown is
significant.  To all mankind is given a crown and our crown is a great and valuable gift from
our Creator.  

A Crown is the attire of a King.  God has made us Kings in that we are given / granted
authority / guaranteed by God, that we may choose whether we believe in God or not, obey
God or not, live our lives in the ways of the Lord or in rebellion as the devil.  The crown
gives to us freedom of choice, and it also demands that we choose.  I must bear the
responsibility of my choice and will be judged by my choice.  In the eyes / realm of God,
mankind has spiritual freedom in their physical life -- and will be held accountable at the
Great White Throne judgment for the choice they make.  No government, ruler, authority
or person can prevent any person from in their mind -- calling upon the name of the Lord
-- I choose Jesus Christ as my Lord.  God gave to us a 'crown' of freedom of choice.  

Judgment / accusation against the woman:  

In Revelation 17: 4 - 5 she is accused of fornication / harlotry and in 18: 3 it says "all
nations have drunk --- of her fornication, the kings ----- committed fornication with her".  

This 'woman', who represents mankind who are NOT part of the family of God, used her
'crown' of choice to reject God / unfaithful to her creator -- thus she is judged guilty of
‘fornication’ / spiritual adultery.  Mankind, who are faithful to their Creator will become the
'bride of Christ' -- as the woman / the unfaithful will be judged guilty of fornication /
unfaithful to their Creator.   

Seal # 2:  

The rider on the 'fiery red horse' takes 'peace from the earth' and causes 'that people
should kill one another'.  

To 'kill' is a sin as declared in the 10 commandments.  Here the message uses the greatest
of sins (mankind to mankind) to exemplify that mankind is a sinner.  "For all have sinned
and come short of the glory of God."  

Judgment / accusation against the woman:  

Revelation 18: 5 -- “For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her
iniquities."  She is guilty / the record has been written and she will stand before the Judge
at the Great White Throne.  She has not repented of her sins, as has the family of God,
thus she is judged guilty of sin / unconfused.   The 'woman' represents rebellious mankind 

but each person will be judged individually. 

Seal # 3:  

The rider on the 'black horse' has 'a pair of scales in his hand'.  

The 'scales' are a tool of business.  In God's creation all must work / do business to
provide for their living.  God instructed Adam that "in the sweat of your face you shall eat
your bread."  Seal #3 prophesies that mankind will be judged / held to account for how
they do business.  Jesus devotes several parables to 'work' of servants and that there will
be a day of accounting.    

Judgment / accusation against the woman:

"------ repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix
double for her.  In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same
measure give her torment and sorrow."  She is found to have gained excessive riches
through unfair / deceptive / wrong business practices and will be judged.

Seal # 4:  

The rider on the 'pale horse' is 'Death'.  

In the Garden of Eden it was declared that mankind will die.  All mankind was created
physical and will physically die.  This judgment will take place after physical death.  
Mankind without redemption by 'calling upon the name of the Lord' / through Jesus Christ
will die spiritually.  Here it is prophesied that those who are 'dead in trespasses and sin,
will be judged for their 'works' and 'cast into the lake of fire' / spiritual death.    

Judgment / accusation against the woman:  

"For she says in her heart, 'I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow'.  
"Therefore her plagues will come in one day  - death and mourning and famine.  And she
will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her." (18: 7b - 8).  
She is found to have disregarded the fact that every human must give account before
their Creator -- thus it is prophesied that judgment and 'Death' in the 'lake of fire' will be
the destiny of mankind who is represented by the woman who sits on the scarlet beast.  

Seal # 5:  

The 5th seal gives a visionary picture of the 'souls of those who had been slain for the
word of God and for the testimony which they held'.  They are 'under the alter' -- a place
especially prepared for them.  Throughout history -- beginning with Cain and Able --
there has been conflict between God's faithful and the rebellious / sinful that resulted in
the killing of some of God's faithful / the martyrs.

Judgment / accusation against the woman:

"I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of
Jesus." Revelation 17: 6.  

"And in her was found the blood of the prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on
the earth." Revelation 18: 24.  

The woman is accused / found guilty of murder and judgment will be carried out at the
Great White Throne.  

In conclusion:

With the above explanations we declare that this sealed message from the right hand of
God is prophecy that tells mankind of the seven year tribulation and following judgment at
the end of God's plan for His creation.  Although this is contrary to common beliefs and
interpretations we believe that the evidence exemplifies common sense and good biblical

Seal' #s 1 - 5 explain the basis for the judgment at the Great White Throne.  

Seal # 6 describes two groups of people (at the end / last event on earth)  who will be
there at that day of judgment.  

Seal # 7 describes the conditions / circumstances when God closes the doors of heaven
and the seven years of tribulation, with certain descriptive explanations – the White
Throne judgment and a description of heaven.  

This seven sealed prophecy from the hand of God was given to John who sent it to seven
churches / the whole church.  

The seven churches have the task / job of sending the message to every nation, language
and tribe.